The Manhattan Project
Pudełko wymiary
23 x 29 x 6 cm
23 x 29 x 6 cm
Waga około
1.2 kg
Rekomendowane gry dla Ciebie
Minion Games
lotnictwo (Aviation / Flight)
ekonomiczna (Economic)
przemysł (Industry / Manufacturing)
II Wojna Światowa (World War II)
Pozycja na BGG
Ocena na BGG
7.31/10 na 10006 głosy
Nazwa oryginalna
The Manhattan Project
--------- (Action Retrieval)
draft (Closed Drafting)
--------- (Race)
wzajemne zniszczenie (Take That)
zajmowanie pól akcji (Worker Placement)
--------- (Worker Placement, Different Worker Types)
od 13 lat
Liczba graczy
od 2 do 5 osób
Czas gry
od 120 min.
Rok premiery
Brandon Tibbetts


The Manhattan Project makes you the leader of a great nation's atomic weapons program in a deadly race to build bigger and better bombs. You must assign your workers to multiple projects: building your bomb-making infrastructure, expending your military to protect it, or sending your spies to steal your rival's hard work!


You alone control your nation's destiny. You choose when to send out your workers–and when to call them back. Careful managment and superior strategy will determine the winner of this struggle. So take charge and secure your nation's future!

Additional description:

The Manhattan Project is a low-luck, mostly open information efficiency game in which players compete to build and operate the most effective atomic bomb program. Players do not "nuke" each other, but conventional air strikes are allowed against facilities.

The game features worker placement with a twist; There are no rounds and no end-of-round administration. Players retrieve their workers when they choose to or are forced to (by running out).

An espionage action allows a player to activate and block an opponent's building, representing technology theft and sabotage.

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Data Publikacji 2014-11-15 15:45:29