Memoir `44: Battles of Khalkin Gol
Pudełko wymiary
29.5 x 29.5 x 2 cm
29.5 x 29.5 x 2 cm
Waga około
0.7 kg
Rekomendowane gry dla Ciebie
Days of Wonder
dodatek do gry (Expansion for Base-game)
gry wojenne (Wargame)
II Wojna Światowa (World War II)
Ocena na BGG
8.16/10 na 278 głosy
Nazwa oryginalna
Memoir '44: The Battles of Khalkhin-Gol
kontrola obszarów (Area Majority / Influence)
karty pola bitwy (Campaign / Battle Card Driven)
rzucanie kośćmi (Dice Rolling)
sieć ruchu (Grid Movement)
zarządzanie ręką (Hand Management)
scenariusz / misja / kampania (Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game)
symulacje (Simulation)
od 8 lat
Liczba graczy
od 2 do 8 osób
Czas gry
od 30 do 90 min.
Rok premiery
Rok wydania
Richard Borg
Ocena na BGG
Poziom trudności
2.33 na 5
Jest to dodatek do serii Memoir ’44


The Battles of Khalkhin-Gol is the first installment in the second series of Memoir '44 Battle Maps. It offers a campaign of 6 standard scenarios that can be enhanced with the two pre-printed Breakthrough battles provided in this expansion.

In May 1939, no one could have predicted that a minor boundary dispute between the Japanese and Soviet forces over the western border of Manchukuo would erupt into open war...take command of your men and fight for the defense of Mother Russia, or the honor of the Emperor!

This expansion also features two new, large format, ready-to-play Overlord scenarios: The Khalkhin-Gol Encirclement and Cape Torokina Landings. These two Overlord scenarios provide hours of additional fun!

The new Armored Cars and Te-Ke Tankettes are put to good use in all of these scenarios, providing tactical advantage to the players who learn how to use the full range of their capabilities.

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Data Publikacji 2019-06-13 15:25:11